Why now is a great time to evaluate your ATS

Sofia Lindman Talent acquisition

Recruitments might have slowed down for many of you, but that doesn’t mean that everything should. Not now when the recruitment landscape is drastically changing and we’re forced into this new digital world, where the entire recruitment process including your ATS (Applicant tracking system or Applicant tracking software) needs to be digitized. Essentially, we have to prepare for once the world hits the “go” button again – because the world we’re leaving behind isn’t the world we’re going back to. 

With that said, this is the perfect time to examine your over recruitment processes and make sure that you’re investing in the right tools and solutions which will cover your current as well as growing future needs (the ones you don’t even know about yet).

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1. The best time to evaluate (and implement) is during low season  

Your ATS (Applicant tracking system or Applicant tracking software) is more than just a tool. It’s the foundation that you will build your recruitment processes upon. Choosing the right ATS and partner requires you to deepen your understanding in all aspects of your recruitment process to identify your needs and what you’re looking for in an ATS. With this low season, most of us aren’t busy recruiting which means that we actually have time to get familiar with the new system and automatize data before the world is back to business – we want the process to be fastened and improved by the time you’ve got hundreds or thousands of applicants to process again. 

2. Use your ATS to build a candidate pipeline

Although it might not be the time to recruit today, it’s the perfect time to maintain relationships with passive candidates laying in your database. This pandemic is putting a lot of people in unexpected unemployment, meaning that there are great candidates out there that you don’t want to miss out on! Be transparent in your job adverts about the fact that the hiring time frame might be uncertain but that they will be kept in the loop until it’s go-time again. Make sure to find out how your ATS best can support that! 

Which leads us to the next question, how do we attract candidates to our job ads and vacancies? 

3. An ATS makes sure your Employer branding is on point

Even if it might not be a priority now, your employer brand is still very much your window out to the world. 9 out of 10 candidates would apply for a job when it’s from an employer brand that’s actively maintained. But a well-maintained employer brand isn’t all about being present where your candidates are – it’s about how you present yourself. With the help of a flexible applicant tracking system, you get to enchant and optimize the candidate experience all the way from the first interaction (whether that is a career page, a social campaign, or a job listing) to hire. Ensure that your EVP is central, visually enchanting and that the experience is personalized from the beginning until the end. 

So, this is not the time to slow down. There are endless ATS systems designed to suit your needs that will fundamentally impact and streamline your recruitment process. Now is the time to get out there and see what the world of HR tech can offer you! And if you’re interested in how (and if) Jobylon can help you with that, we’ll be happy to assist! Book a demo

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Sofia Lindman

I'm Sofia! A peanut-butter-brownie-loving, traveling digital nomad. With an underlying passion to elevate from the industrial age thinking, I love to inspire companies to create a modern, more autonomous workspace that resonates with the future workforce and create a new narrative around what it means to work.

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