How to manage your employer brand in uncertain times

Sofia Lindman Employer branding

Manage your employer brand, now?! One could argue that there simply are more important things to focus on right now. And besides, what’s the point if you’re not even recruiting? If this isn’t the time to attract talent, that’s totally okay. But you still need to manage your employer brand. It’s more than just a piece of your talent acquisition machinery. While the world is in slow-mo. Let’s put our efforts into the essence of what employer branding is – human connection. Something that candidates crave more than ever. We’re here to help you navigate through this confusion and more importantly, how you can manage your employer brand in uncertain times.

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The way you manage your employer brand is everything

It’s totally understandable if the need to manage your employer brand isn’t your first priority, but going completely dark could have a drastically negative impact on your brand. Up to 67% of candidates are likely to apply if you’re actively managing your online presence. Be the company that’s in it for the long haul! It’s all about identifying what’s important for you right now, even if your maximum capacity lays in just nurturing current relationships with candidates. Set the bar high enough for it to work based on your current situation. 


Pick content carefully

It might be time to re-think the content you’re putting out so that it aligns with what people today resonate with. Certain jokes or picture-perfect images might not be appropriate. People are navigating towards safety, hope, stability – so make sure to be mindful of the tone you’re using. 

Keep up the transparency

Everyone’s life has changed in one way or another, including yours and your team. There’s nothing that shows character like being honest about the transformation your company is going through. Let people be a part of the journey! Share how your team is coping with working from home and the challenges that come with it. There’s nothing that candidates are craving more than authenticity in a time like this. 

One good tip here is to let your employees do the talking. For example, you could let them do an Instagram take-over and share what’s going on in their lives.

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Sofia Lindman

I'm Sofia! A peanut-butter-brownie-loving, traveling digital nomad. With an underlying passion to elevate from the industrial age thinking, I love to inspire companies to create a modern, more autonomous workspace that resonates with the future workforce and create a new narrative around what it means to work.

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