Going nuts? Here is how to embrace the messiness in uncertain times

Sofia Lindman Recruitment marketing

Corona or not – no one knows exactly what the future holds. We are all just trying to cope with this global crisis and try to accept the adjustments we had to make in order to stay as safe as possible. I’m Sofia, the remote work expert at Jobylon and I wrote this guide for you to help you embrace the messiness during the uncertain time that we’re living. Instead of focusing on how to optimize our productivity when working from home, this mini-guide is tackling how to cope with the external world in its current shape for you to stay sane, both at and outside of work. 

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1. Remember that everything is temporary 

Is your home office not ideal? You’re certainly not alone! Striving for things to be perfect will only stress you out. It’s important to remember when you’re turning on the computer at the kitchen desk (or in your pajamas in bed?) with kids screaming or dogs barking that, we’re in this together. With the risk of sounding too cliche – don’t forget that the majority of the world’s population has shifted to remote work which means that, most people are new at this too! This is not a time to blame yourself for having a hard time surrendering to your new reality, what we need from ourselves is patience and self-compassion. 

As no one knows what the “new normal” might look like, I would suggest you to try to figure out what you with the resources you’ve got can make it as bearable as possible! Don’t forget that it’s okay to reach out and ask for help. 

2. Remember that it’s very possible to have ice cream for dinner

When the external world is going through a shit show, you do not need the extra stress of putting even more unnecessary pressure on yourself. This is solely a time to surrender and make sure you give yourself space to allow things to be the way they are. Maybe you lost your job or you’re trying to figure out struggling to find the motivation to work from home? Whatever transition you’re going through is enough itself! Ditch the idea of having to optimize this time spent at home trying to be as productive as possible, if you’re not feeling it – you don’t have to. So, go and enjoy a ben&jerry for dinner or skip the online yoga for the day if that’s what you need. 

3. Remember to maintain your social interactions

Just because we’re social distancing doesn’t mean we don’t have to cut all social interactions off! A certain amount of social interaction is crucial for our well-being. We just need to be a little more innovative with HOW we decide to spend time together. Move the 3óclock coffee at work or your time spent with friends outside of the “office” to a virtual location instead. It might be challenging to adjust at first but the rewards are always worth it. 

The New York Times previously published an article on how quarantine is a true catalyst for coming up with creative ideas in terms of socializing. People are currently holding birthday parties, broadcasting D.J sets, and establishing quarantine movie nights on Twitter for “virtual companionship”. The sky is really the limit when it comes to social gatherings in 2020. 

4. Remember the small things that put a smile on your face

Don’t forget the little things that make you feel good. A daily cup of thé in the morning? Turning off the phone after work to ease distractions? The daily virtual lunch with your colleagues? A walk in the afternoon? When work and free time kind of melt into one – it’s always a good idea to have a routine to fall back on. If you feel like you’re lacking the motivation but is eager to keep it up? Check with your team members or friends, most of us are going through similar challenges so why not help each other out by sending reminders to one another or decide on doing activities together.

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Sofia Lindman

I'm Sofia! A peanut-butter-brownie-loving, traveling digital nomad. With an underlying passion to elevate from the industrial age thinking, I love to inspire companies to create a modern, more autonomous workspace that resonates with the future workforce and create a new narrative around what it means to work.

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