4 Effective Ways To Keep Your Best Talent From Leaving

Sofia Lindman Culture & happiness

Have you ever had great employees leave out of nowhere? If so, a million thoughts had probably run through your mind. How come I didn’t see the signs? What could I have done differently? Retaining talent today is a lot more challenging, taking into consideration that the way people work is changing. Consulting, freelancing, or temporary work are way more common today, as the gig economy is rapidly growing. So, despite having a well-thought-out employee retention strategy in place, people might still be heading for the exit. Luckily, we’ve got you! Let us walk you through 4 reasons why people leave their jobs and how you can effectively reduce turnover.

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Lack of recognition 

The impact a role has and how it’s contributing to a company’s vision should already be clear in its job advert. Showing recognition must be a continuous effort in which appreciation is a part of the daily language in a company. One remote-friendly example of how to accomplish this could simply be to create an appreciation channel (on your preferred online platform) where anyone can give a shoutout to a fellow employee for something they’ve done during the day. 

Since some people wouldn’t want their name displayed in front of 200 people, showing recognition can instead be simply getting a (virtual!) high five from other team members, or a dose of acknowledgment from the manager to feel like their job matters, especially during a time when many of us are working remotely. 

No paved way for career growth 

Employees that feel a sense of purpose and meaning at work are less likely to take on other job offers, even if the switch means a raise in salary. A job can simply be a job for someone or it can mean being in a space to which they contribute, thus adding value to the success of the company and feeding a higher sense of purpose. This is fundamental for the level of dedication to the company. 

Is there a paved way for employees to progress and evolve? Very few employees would want to stay in a position where they feel unable to flourish, or where they feel like their work isn’t designed in a way that fits them. Know your employees’ thoughts on where they envision themselves and work toward creating a personal road map for them to grow into their best professional selves. This is something that starts and ends with transparent communication. Make sure that you’re giving them the opportunity to grow with you and not apart from you. 

Not enough autonomy

We’re living in a time of drastic change in the workplace. Flexibility was once a perk but has now shifted into something that employees expect or even demand. If you have been (like many of us) forced to relocate to a home office you now have an opportunity to explore the autonomous workplace even further, and how to build trust when we’re no longer working from the same physical space. Are employees encouraged to take ownership of their workdays and to adapt their structure accordingly to get work done? This takes a solid infrastructure where employees feel confident in what’s expected of them and feel that they’re equipped with the tools they need to succeed. 

Self-check: What kind of manager do you want to be? 

Management obviously plays a big role in employee satisfaction. There’s no hiding the fact that the reasons discussed above might just circle back to poor management. How do we change that? Let us quote Niclas Lamberg from an episode of #HReats, who voiced the importance of questioning your leadership style:

“It all starts with figuring out why you want to be a leader. Do you truly enjoy working with people and are you genuinely committed to their growth? If the answer is “Yes,” then you’re on the right track to becoming a good leader.” 

There’s no such thing as a perfect leader. Nonetheless, the big difference lies in your intentions. When they come from a pure place of realizing that you’ll never know it all but keep remaining curious and keep on learning, you and your team will grow cohesively together. Make room for reciprocating feedback where you and your team can exchange opinions, ideas, and improvements. Lastly, find a mentor or other manager within the organization so you can support each other’s growth as leaders. 

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Sofia Lindman

I'm Sofia! A peanut-butter-brownie-loving, traveling digital nomad. With an underlying passion to elevate from the industrial age thinking, I love to inspire companies to create a modern, more autonomous workspace that resonates with the future workforce and create a new narrative around what it means to work.

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